Program Implementation Strategy:
To recover the fate of the distressed poor people, initiatives have been taken to mobilize the vulnerable needy people to restore their basic rights & needs and access in the decision-making areas to get equal facilities with others to establish empowerment and democracy in the society.
a) Survey:
- Prepared to survey tools/indicator
- beneficiary selection (education, age, profession, income, social status, etc.)
- area selection (distance, communication facilities, environment, scope of job Placement)
b) Interpersonal Communication: The project-related development information is
communicated by the staff of UNKS
- to the individual beneficiary
- to the Group of beneficiaries.
- to the Elites of the Project area
- to all the beneficiaries through meetings or functions.
c) Awareness and Motivation:
- Beneficiaries Motivation
- Leader Motivation
- local social worker
- public representative
d) Human Development Training
- To achieve self-reliance and sustainable development through social awareness and enhancement of skills for the poor needy community.
- Humanitarian development training for the poor through education.
e) Leadership/Cadres Training: Formation of different organizations on different tires of the society and to strengthen the organizational capacity. To create affinity and harmony in different aspects among similar and civic
- To safeguard the self–interest of the targeted community.
- To create issue-based campaign and implement an advocacy program with other Organizations UNKS to restore the self-interest of poor males & females.
f) Seminar: The class or group of people are made aware of the fixed or specific subject in a seminar. The people learn or understand about the program, and become motivated which helps the implementation of the program directly or indirectly. Seminars on different subjects such as Job Placement.
g) Workshop: Sometimes a workshop is arranged for a day or a couple of days for the working force. The participants learn about the program & strategy. They make the community aware of the program. Many workshops have been done on skill development training, group leaders development, etc.
h) Campaign: Colorful campaigns UNKS are used to make the people of a particular area about the program. As a result, the implementation become easier and more fruitful. Campaigns about safeguarding, disaster and , Skill Development training, Job placement have been done.